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Five Sure Fire Meat Cooking Tips

No matter the species or the cut, the same basic cooking principles apply for them all.

Here are five basic cooking tips that will help you achieve perfected cooked meat cuts with enhanced taste.

High heat is essential for enhancing deep flavour.
With high heat, you can create a delicious caramelised flavour. Browning the meat, creates a deep brown sear and a thick golden crust on all sides of the meat. The best way to achieve this is by cooking the meat cut quickly over a high heat.

Avoid a steam while striving for a sear.
There are two important things to be aware of, to get a sear. The cut of meat needs to be dry and the pan must be sizzling hot.
It will be worthwhile to avoid overcrowding the pan. Place the meat at least two centimetres apart.

Know your meat cut.
Meat cuts like the shoulder and brisket comes from heavily exercised parts of the animal. After the sear, these cuts of meat are best suited to slow cooking methods like roasting or stewing. During slow cooking, the connective fibres of meat is broken down. This is how a touch cut of meat becomes one that is tender and juicy.
Cuts of meat that are already tender, such the loin of beef or pork, come from the parts of the animal that is not exercise hard. These cuts are best cooked quickly, over dry heat. Braaing or grilling works well. It is best to serve these cuts of meat medium rare as they become dry after prolonged cooking.

Pay attention to carry over cooking.
Interestingly enough, for a short time, meat continues to cook after being removed from the heat. Because of this, you should remove meat from the heat just shy of your desired temperature. It is important to note that carry over cooking does not apply to poultry and fish as they don’t retain heat to the same extent as beef and pork.

Rest the meat after cooking.
Allowing the meat to rest after cooking allows the juices to flow throughout the meat. This helps to tenderise the cut. A thin steak should rest for 5 – 10 minutes. Thicker cuts for 15 – 20 minutes. A very large roast like turkey or a leg of lamb should rest for 20 – 30 minutes.